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Worlds 1-3 are free for use. Only $1 per month to get access. Price List. Worlds 1-3 are free for use. Only $2 per month to get access. Price List. Worlds 1-3 are free for use. Only $4 per month to get access to all games. World 1 is free for use. Only $4 per month to get access to all games. Worlds 1-4 are free for use. Only $4 per month to get access to all games.

Id Time since update Players Total Might Average Might
Augustus1 300d 13h 106705 7.41bn 69k
DecimusMax2 1yrs 3m 6d 105931 9.01bn 85k
Augustus101 07h 99544 14.47bn 145k
Xirusapologie104 10h 94009 8.22bn 87k
CLAUDIANOPRIMUS106 2d 04h 105745 17.23bn 162k
Domitian108 2d 05h 102744 11.63bn 113k
Haldir109 1d 12h 74200 15.82bn 213k
Hadrian110 4d 12h 82783 3.17bn 38k
Tiberius202 12h 84595 13.97bn 165k
Caligula203 03h 17017 1.97bn 116k
Claudius204 12h 7623 1.31bn 172k
Nero205 2d 11h 11960 2.68bn 224k
Domitian208 1d 12h 63189 9.69bn 153k
Trajan209 11h 106173 3.11bn 29k
Hadrian210 3d 06h 115705 5.13bn 44k
HellScream251 4d 12h 63470 3.96bn 62k
HellScream252 2d 04h 9285 7.85bn 845k
Gladiator253 10h 63470 5.53bn 87k
HellScream254 11h 9097 3.8bn 418k
HellScream255 4d 13h 4546 1.76bn 389k
GENERALLIUS #256 3d 11h 63532 4.7bn 73k
HellScream257 2d 11h 7816 4.07bn 520k
dipensworld258 11h 63479 3.65bn 57k
Michelangelo259 12h 63475 3.69bn 58k
Augustus301 4d 11h 115784 5.18bn 44k
Tiberius302 4d 14h 42709 7.39bn 173k
Caligula303 4d 12h 62423 4.68bn 75k
Claudius304 3d 12h 87380 2.92bn 33k
Sainte305 2d 12h 115871 5.24bn 45k
Vespian306 1d 11h 62399 10.37bn 166k
Titus307 12h 116142 6.39bn 55k
Domitian308 13h 18964 1.73bn 91k
Trajan309 07h 115875 5.62bn 48k
HellScream400 3d 11h 63471 9.02bn 142k
Old Worlds
Caligula3 68d 09h 90503 6.28bn 69k
Claudius4 4yrs 2m 20d 98478 6.65bn 67k
Nero5 2yrs 0m 3d 96000 4.72bn 49k
Vespasian6 4yrs 4m 0d 99644 10.5bn 105k
Titus7 10yrs 2m 3d 101414 9.45bn 93k
EricTheGreat8 1yrs 1m 3d 100715 8.75bn 86k
Trajan9 241d 05h 97535 12.57bn 128k
Hadrian10 265d 12h 97482 9.51bn 97k
Tiberius102 9yrs 4m 28d 102555 6.33bn 61k
Caligula103 1yrs 7m 16d 105262 4.04bn 38k
Nero105 261d 21h 101766 9.07bn 89k
Titus107 1yrs 11m 12d 106930 5.12bn 47k
Augustus201 1yrs 5m 18d 106182 8.2bn 77k
Vespasian206 1yrs 3m 18d 104091 2.62bn 25k
Titus207 5yrs 10m 27d 103566 67.19bn 648k
Trajan409 11yrs 0m 9d 25 0bn 60k
501 11yrs 6m 20d 120001 2.87bn 23k

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